It's been 2011 for exactly a week now, and so far, it's been pretty good. Mostly uneventful, but that's always good, better than dealing with tough stuff for sure. I had a doctor's appointment earlier this week that I was dreading but it actually went well. The two shots hurt my arm for two days, though. I've played a lot of board games with my family. I went to lunch with my mom yesterday and shopping while my little sis was in school (her second day back) and I got my Starbucks fix a few days ago. So all's been well.
Except for a few regrets I have looking back at the past few weeks. I've been off for Christmas break for three weeks, with one more left :( I am really dreading going back, for one main reason: my roomie. All I know is I need out of that situation, and fast. I'm not sure I can survive 17 more weeks with her. If I had a single room, or a great roommate (or one who was never there), I think I could cope.
I regret not always cooperating with my family. I regret the petty fights with my sister. I regret not taking enough pictures on special events (Christmas, New Years, etc.) I regret not sledding as much as I could (but it's snowing again this weekend, so...). I regret not being as appreciative as I could be. I regret not seizing the moment. I regret saying "I'm bored". I regret taking the first part of my break for granted. I regret spending a lot of time on the computer. Most of all, I regret that time always flies when you're having fun--my break just flew by, and I wish I would have taken the time to slow down and appreciate even the boring moments. I'm not gonna get another long break with my family until spring break in 10 weeks.
I find myself wishing it was Christmas (can you believe it was only 2 weeks ago?) or New Years. But I know I can't turn back time. I'm making a promise to spend the rest of my break in a constructive way, so I won't have any more regrets.
I rang in the New Year last night by blowing cardboard horns outside when it was 0 degrees, screaming at the top of my lungs, making mini s'mores over a votive candle, tossing marshmallows into my dad's mouth (mostly unsuccessfully) and having an impromptu dance party. It was a pretty fun night, but I decided to hit the sack at 2 am, since I'd been up since 9 am on New Years Eve and I'd been pretty busy all day, going to a movie, dashing from store to store trying to find confetti poppers and grabbing a Starbucks. I even found time to slip on the floor at SuperTarget and land flat on my butt. Ouch!
For me, New Years Eve is way more exciting than New Years Day. I always feel a little sad, leaving behind the old year and December. I can't really act like it's still the holiday season and January's not too exciting. Now I have to think about going back to school in 2 1/2 weeks and look forward to the obligatory dental/doctor appointments I have to squeeze in before back-to-school. I've always loved first semester better, because there are more breaks and holidays to enjoy. All there is second semester is spring break, Valentine's Day and Easter. Plus, by the time second semester rolls around, you just wanna get out of there for summer break.
So what's so great about a new year, anyway? 2010 wasn't half-bad for me, so I'm hoping 2011 is even better. But the thought of a whole year ahead of me is kinda overwhelming. What if a lot of bad stuff happens and makes it my worst year yet? What if everything changes by this time next year? What if I don't want to move on and be more mature? What if I just want to live in the moment? I don't often think about this stuff, but it definitely applies when the calendar changes.
Let's face it: I've had a really good winter break so far. I'm halfway into it and already dreading going back. I've really enjoyed playing board games with my family, hitting up Starbucks, shopping trips, Christmas lights and music, just getting back into the life I used to have before I started college. I still know Colorado Springs way better than Fort Collins (and it will probably always be that way) and I really like going to places I haven't been to since the summer.
I know spring semester won't be easy, but I'm hoping I'll be better-adjusted than I was fall semester and I can deal with any problems in a more mature way. I'm hoping 2011 is a great year, not necessarily better than 2010, but good in its own way. I hope I can make lots of memories and cherish every moment I spend with my family. Here's hoping you the same!