In late August, I started my freshman year of college. I was soooooo nervous to be on my own but my parents really have helped me so much with that by welcoming me back home a couple weekends each month and texting me daily. Without them, I wouldn't have made it this far. They are also so great about driving back and forth between home and my dorm and believe me, it's not a short trip. And they provide me with plenty of supplies, from makeup to money to food. I am so so thankful for them. I am also very thankful for the great education I'm getting at CSU.
I am thankful to have a loving home environment. I love the house itself and even though we're moving into a new house soon, I know the love and support will always be there. I will always have a place to call home, which is very comforting.
My sister and I have a great relationship. Sure, we get into a few fights but so do most siblings. Being three-and-a-half years apart, we are more like BFFs than just sisters. Our bond is really strong, and I think being away from each other has only made it stronger. We text and email regularly as well as using Facebook to stay connected. And I just love spending time with her when I come home; I am so thankful for my nine-day vacation from school because it means nine days with my little sister.
I am thankful for the friends I have found at CSU. Even though my roomie and I have a somewhat rocky relationship, I have found companionship with a few girls on my floor and just going out to dinner with them is so much fun, not to mention a great break from the dining hall!
My life, like pretty much everyone's life, has its ups and downs. Not every day goes the way I might have wanted it to, or maybe there were just a few really bad moments in an otherwise fun day but I am just thankful to be alive and have the life I have. I am thankful every day to be able to wake up and go about my day and even if it's not the best day ever, I'm just glad to be alive.
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to say thanks to someone that you're thankful for, but try to make the thankfulness last all year long, even on Black Friday when that last iPad is sold and you're left empty-handed!
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