Basically, my first experience with college finals was hell to the acious and not because I bombed them or anything (I actually did quite well) but because the schedule was so whack. I originally had 4 finals on Thursday and one on Friday morning. Now, you know no one wants to still be on campus on Friday of finals week, let alone taking an actual final. In fact, my school only has two Friday morning times for finals, barely anyone has those times, and I was so lucky to get one of those. Thankfully it wasn't the 7:30 am one, but still. I was also a lucky duck (not!) with scoring 4 finals in the same day. While most of my friends were finished and headed home by Tuesday or Wednesday, I was stuck waiting around til Friday afternoon. Major bummer. Anyways, I was lucky enough to get one of the Thursday finals changed to Tuesday, so I only had 3 finals on Thursday, which was still a lot. Needless to say, I was super burned out by that night.
This year, my schedule is a lot better, at least in some ways. For one, I don't have any Friday finals. Sure, I'm still stuck here til Thursday afternoon, but that's one day less than last year! And I really only have 2 finals next week. I had no final in my PR class (but a stupid project that is now--thankfully--over with), my stats final is take-home and online (thank goodness!) and I did my newswriting one today. Why is it always the easiest one that we get out of the way first? Oh well, I'm way ahead of where I was last year at this time. So one down, 3 (ish) to go. I say 3 ish because the take-home one isn't like a traditional final. I know it will be super rough, but I will have my dad's help which is amazing. And I get to go home this weekend and escape the craziness that is the freshmen who live on my floor. Gosh, I can't wait for them to grow up. Of course, that'll be after I leave the dorms, of course.
I'm feeling way better about finals this time around, too. Sure, I am stressed about a couple of them, but overall I'm handling the stress in a good way.
I'll keep updating all y'all (if anyone still reads...) throughout next week as I countdown to Christmas break! I'm sooooooo close :)
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