The title of this post seems kinda sad in a way, but trust me, it really isn't. It's just that in the past few days, there have been some good things mixed in with some not-so-good things, so I thought I'd recap them with you and spare you more finals talk.
Bitter: Getting an incidence report for marijuana smell (which I have never used, BTW)
Sweet: Signing a lease for an apartment for next year
Yeah, so I woke up Friday morning to a blue card slipped under my door that said someone had smelled pot coming from my room. Little did I know that half the hall got the exact same warning because the RA couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. I talked with her and obviously she knew I didn't do it, but I was basically freaking out all morning and wondering why it happened to me, when I wouldn't dream of doing drugs ever.
Bitter: Finding out I got a C on the stats final that my dad helped me with
Sweet: Getting a 99% on my newswriting final
Obviously, math is not my strong point, but this stats class was a requirement. My parents basically just said as long as I pass the class, I'm fine. I was kinda hoping to pull off a low B, but with this awful final score, I guess that won't be happening. I am really happy I got such a high score on my newswriting final, though!
Bitter: Having to come back to campus after a long weekend
Sweet: Getting to go home again in 2 days
Coming back to school after a weekend is always a let-down for me, but even more so after spending Friday evening through Monday afternoon at home, which is the longest ever! Plus it's so close to break that I almost felt like I was on break already, so it was a rude awakening to come back. But I'm so close to break, I can almost taste it!
Bitter: Still having one final (and packing, and cleaning, and...) ahead of me
Sweet: Being done with three finals,a project and an interview
Despite how much I'm looking forward to break, I was also dreading this week. Four long days of finals and an interview. But now I've just got one more final left, along with some last-minute things which aren't a huge deal. I'm just so ready to be home!
What's been bitter/sweet in your life lately?
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