Let's just say that me and my R (short for roommate, of course) have a lot of differences. Among the most major of them are 1) I like to turn in around 11 pm on school nights, so I can get at least 9 hours of sleep; R prefers going to bed at the ripe time of 1. I'm talking a.m. So many nights I don't get to go to sleep until she finally shuts off her computer and crawls into bed. 2) In addition to staying up way too late watching stupid YouTube videos (umm, yeah, and that includes weird awkward under-the-breath laughing that I can still hear!), there are always a few nights a week where instead of returning from dinner, she goes off and does who-knows-what and doesn't return to the room until about 15 minutes after I've tried to go to sleep. So I wake up again, pissed off, and of course, then she has to go and take her 40 minute shower. So I don't get to sleep until at least 1. Thanks. 3) She is in the room a lot. Especially on weekends. Now that Christmas break is in a little less than 2 weeks (!), I'm forced to stay on campus, so I have to deal with her. If I want to spend any time in the room, I feel all awkward if I try to play music or watch TV. Oh, and she doesn't wake up til noon, so I try my best to stay quiet and put on my makeup in the dark (and it's not like I wake up ridiculously early--I usually get up around 9:30 or 10 on weekends). Can you say, unfair?
Basically, I'm getting more and more stressed out as finals loom (who wouldn't?) and this whole roommate issue is just making it worse. And these aren't the only problems I'm experiencing with the R--a weird smell coming from her side of the room, the fact that she won't talk to me unless I address her first (and even then she isn't really responsive or considerate) and more. Really, it's safe to say that my R and I just tolerate each other.
I do wish I had a good relationship with my R. Some of my friends from my hall have much better relationships with theirs, and I'm definitely jealous. I'd just love to have someone close by to confide in (my parents don't count, since they're too far away, but they are truly amazing), to trade fashion advice (since her sense of style is nonexistent, it would kinda be a one-way street) and just have a place I wouldn't mind coming back to. Because your dorm is kind of your home-away-from-home, but right now mine's a slowly crumbling dysfunctional family.
I'm not someone who could never get used to living in a small room, or being with someone I'm not related to for a long, long time--I really could, but in this situation, I can't. If I had a single room, or shared with a good friend, I really think I could stand the whole dorm room experience. Right now, I'm just trying to find the good things in every day, and even if they're small, I try to appreciate them. Because I need all the little things I can get.
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