Oh, school. You aren't usually my friend, especially not this close to Christmas. I have exactly a week left of you this semester, and I'm not sure I can make it. Not to mention the finals that always seem to arrive when you go away. So maybe I should be more friendly to you. But I can't help wanting it to be break already. Coming back to you after 9 days off is rough. Don't blame me for being annoyed with you; you have to admit you like time off, too. This is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but it's usually more like the most stressful time of the year. I remember being a little elementary-schooler and the last few weeks before Christmas break were always fun--holiday parties, making cute but cheesy crafts that our parents would hang on the Christmas tree, playing outside in the snow during recess. Now the last three weeks revolve around professors jamming the last bits of information they can down our throats and then major stressage over final exams. So, school, I hope you can see where I'm coming from when I say I don't like you very much right now. I almost wish the week after Thanksgiving break would just be finals so we could skip over the two weeks of classes and just get right to the point and then have a break. But nooooooo!
All I'm asking for, really, is that you give us a break. We have another whole semester with you after Christmas, so cut us some slack right now. I don't know one person who wants to go back to school after Thanksgiving--they should just start Christmas break then. I know, I know--finals are important...or so they say. Just give all of us stressed-out college students out there a break and not make our lives too hard between now and Christmas break. We'll thank you for it later, I promise.
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