The stress around here is building, just like that annoying zit that pops up when you've got a first date with a hot guy that night and no time to make it disappear. It's mostly due to finals, which for me start in exactly a week. Gulp! Oh, and it also has to do with the tension that just seems to be increasing between me and my roommate. It only seems to be me that's annoyed, though, which is just so convenient. Of course, I'm not the one bursting into the room not even ten minutes after she's gone to sleep or the one who spends many waking hours completely plugged into the computer, ignoring the rest of the world. Or the one that refuses to wash my sheets. I know, I've mentioned these problems before but it doesn't look like they're going away any time soon, at least not for 9 or 10 days when I get to (finally!) go home. I don't care how bored I get during the month I have off, I'm not taking it for granted because I know that if I weren't there, I'd be somewhere much, much worse (such as my dorm room).
So hopefully you can understand why I'm homesick. Not to mention, I've always been close to my family (not much teenage rebellion around here) so being this far away for this long (a little over two weeks, but I've made it through three weeks before, so I can do this) makes me miss them. Oh, and with Christmas in a little more than 2 weeks (!), I'm not really feeling too much in the holiday spirit, since I'm not enjoying the season with my family. I'm planning on making up for it in the week I have at home before Christmas, though. So it's been hard, and end-of-the-semester stressage hasn't been helping.
I'm trying not to wallow in it, though. I've been doing some things to get my mind off my anger, stress and little bits of sadness. Like tonight, me and a few of the other girls from my floor went to a hall program, where we made Christmas cards for kids in the hospital and watched The Santa Clause. Oh, and all the glitter was just an added bonus! I'm not sure I'll ever get it all out of my clothes! On Thursday, me and a close friend from just down the hall are planning on going out to eat. We do this a lot on Thursdays and it just really helps to get away from the dorms for an hour or so and enjoy some good food for a change (not that microwaved meals and cereal aren't good, they just aren't doable every day). Yesterday, I stopped by my campus's student center after my first class and picked up lunch: vegetarian bean chili with a side of foccaccia bread. It was really good and a nice change from my usual lunches, which are pretty much whatever I can scrounge up from stuff in my room, since the dining halls have weird hours and long lines. I'm planning on getting dinner tomorrow from the same place--it's convenient that I can get fast casual food only a few minutes away from my classes and it's a nice treat.
So I'm gonna try my best to make it through this week, do something a little special every day and continue to count down the days til I can go home again!
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